Misha’s October Feature in Wine Business Magazine (WBM)

Waipara – Shaken not Stirred

It’s just over a year since the first earthquake hit Christchurch but that September shake was just an aperitif as another was served on the city nearly six months later causing major devastation. In this feature, Misha looks at Waipara – one of New Zealand’s up-and-coming wine regions located just 50 minutes drive north of Christchurch’s main quake zone- to see how they are faring. Although shaken, it seems wineries in the region have not been stirred from their resolve to put Waipara on the tourist map. They now share a stronger commitment than ever in working together as a community to become “the most exciting wine and food region in New Zealand” – their newly adopted mantra.

To read the full article download the PDF version below.

Waipara – Shaken not Stirred – Download PDF

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