New Zealand Aromatics Steal the Limelight at London International Wine Fair

CROMWELL, Central Otago, New Zealand, 13 May 2011. Misha’s Vineyard “Limelight” Riesling 2010 and Greywacke Sauvignon Blanc 2010 have been selected in The Top 100 wine list which is a showcase of the best wines from around the world and a feature of the upcoming London International Wine Fair. The Wine Fair, now in its thirty-first year, is the world’s key trade event for wine and spirits and runs from 17th to 18th May 2011.

These two wines are the only New Zealand wines chosen amongst a select group of 16 in the Aromatics category, which has been identified as one of the key wine trends of 2011. For the past seven years, The Top 100 has provided visitors to the LIWF, the opportunity to try some of the world’s best wines in specific categories chosen to provide an insight to the current wine trends. The Wine Gang, a group of the UK’s most respected wine critics including Tom Cannavan, Joanna Simon and Anthony Rose, was chosen to compile this year’s list of the ‘best of the best’ from their vast pool of collective experience.

In addition to Aromatics, the other themes selected by this year’s judging panel are: The Pinots, Rhone Varietals around the World, Natural Organic and Biodynamic, and Surprising Wines. All of the wines are selected on the basis of overall quality, consistency, and value for money. The Top 100 is a perennial favourite among visitors to the Fair with visitors able to try the wines during a free-pour tasting during the three-day event.

Misha’s Vineyard “Limelight” Riesling has attracted amazing accolades since its first release in 2008. Equally Greywacke Sauvignon Blanc has won praise from wine critics around the world with UK journalist Matthew Jukes describing it as “jaw-droppingly brilliant wine.” The 2009 vintage of both wines represented New Zealand last year at the Tri Nations Wine Challenge where they each won Gold against the best wines from Australia and South Africa.

In New Zealand, the wines of Misha’s Vineyard in Central Otago and Greywacke in Marlborough are distributed by Negociants New Zealand and the winning wines from both producers will be part of a showcase of wines touring New Zealand in a national trade roadshow from 14th to 16th June visiting, Auckland, Dunedin, Wellington and Christchurch.
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For further information please contact:

Misha’s Vineyard Wines Limited
Misha Wilkinson – Director. Tel: +64 210 2200812 (mobile)
Kevin Judd – Winemaker/Director Tel: +64 21 451 137 (mobile)

* Editors Note: A range of high resolution bottle or vineyard photos from Misha’s Vineyard and Greywacke are available on request.

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