A visit to Misha’s Vineyard from Ju Mannering, Negociants (Christchurch)

Ju at the top of "Ski Slope"
Ju at the top of "Ski Slope"
Ju Mannering who looks after on-premise sales for the Christchurch office of Negociants New Zealand (our distributor) just did a tour of Misha’s Vineyard.

She was shown around the vineyard by Cassy, our admin/ops manager, and Sue Reid who is part of our vineyard team. It was the first time Ju had seen our spectacular vineyard. In the photo she’s standing at the top of our ski slope where we have Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Blanc growing. We are in the early stages of Spring with green leaves just starting to appear on the vines but the Pisa Range across Lake Dunstan is still snow-capped! We hope you liked your visit to Misha’s Vineyard Ju!!