How the ‘09 Pinot is Shaping up at Misha’s Vineyard

An update from Olly Masters – Winemaker

Well that was a busy week! Firstly we had the Pinot Noir 2010 Conference in Wellington from which I think all the New Zealand Pinot Noir producers should come away positive and pleased! The strong line-up of international media and trade provided good recognition of New Zealand’s overall wine quality and they also conveyed their views of increasing export demand for New Zealand Pinot. I then followed the Pinot event with the Nelson Aromatics Symposium where the guest speaker was Ernst Loosen, of the famous German Estate, Dr Loosen. Now suddenly, and not surprisingly, all I want to drink this week is beer!

Summer growth on the new planting - photo by Ernst Jonker
Summer growth on the new planting - photo by Ernst Jonker
On the weekend prior to these events I looked at all our Misha’s Vineyard 2009 Pinot ferments with a view to overall quality and blending decisions, with the wines having just been sulphured post the completion of malo. Overall I was very happy, and once again the quality is solid enough for us to release a small amount of our reserve – Verismo. And we also have a small volume which we will use for the entry-level Impromptu.

I also opened up bottles of the ‘08 Pinot Noirs as comparisons and the 09’s were very similar in inherent quality offered. The ‘08 Impromptu has opened up with some nice bramble, roast and truffle oil notes showing, the ‘08 High Note is showing lovely dark sweet fruit and a gentle palate, whilst the Verismo, although extremely impressive, is still a little locked up, but we’re still some months away from its anticipated release!