Pre-Harvest Grape Development

Just over a month ago Rich Williams, our vineyard manager, sent in a photo of the development of various clones around the vineyard. (see 10th March blog). The response was …

Almost Ready for Harvest

An update from Vineyard Manager Rich Williams Ripening has progressed solidly in the last month and we are just a couple of days from harvest. Now that the vineyard has …

Akihiko Yamamoto, Yomiuri Online, (Japan) 4 March 2010

Rising Producer Misha’s Vineyard of Central Otago セントラル・オタゴの新進、ミーシャズ・ヴィンヤード ニュージーランドにある世界最南端のワイン産地セントラル・オタゴ地区の新進生産者ミーシャズ・ヴィンヤードのオーナー、ミーシャ・ウィルキンソンさんが来日した。 Akihiko Yamamoto, Yomiuri Online, (Japan) 4 March 2010 English translation: