

Andy Wilkinson

Director (Operations & Sales)

After a career of more than 30 years in Information Technology, many of those years spent in Asia, Andy is bringing his business expertise and sales experience to round out the team. While not a winemaker or viticulturist, he does have a distant history in the wine industry having worked in a wine store in Sydney in 1974.

A New Zealander by birth and with many family ties in the Otago region, Andy’s long term passion for wine has been fulfilled by the opportunity to bring together the best possible team to make Misha’s Vineyard a wildly successful wine producer and exporter. Being able to share time between home in the stunningly beautiful Central Otago region of New Zealand and visiting our customers around the world is the “ultimate lifestyle” says Andy.

Still having those “Kiwi” instincts that made number 8 wire famous, he enjoys the opportunity to occasionally vacate the computer desk for a day or so and take charge of the tractor or fix anything broken on the vineyard.

“We have hired the best viticulturist, best vineyard manager and the best winemaker available in New Zealand, and I married the best marketer. What more does this company need”?