Joelle Thomson – Writer, author, wine journalist and reviewer

Misha’s Vineyard from the deep south highlights Riesling’s potential

If global politics are leaving a slightly bitter taste in your mouth right now, it might be time to get reacquainted with one of the world’s most underrated and sometimes sweeter wine styles. Before tuning out when the word ‘sweetness’ is mentioned, read on because one of these exceptional Rieslings is totally dry in style – and tastes it. Riesling does have a reputation for being sweet but that’s not always the case, as this pair of great whites from the most southern wine region on Earth show. They are both single vineyard wines and come from Misha’s Vineyard, planted between 2005 and 2007 at 228 to 315 metres above sea level on the steep slopes above Lake Dunstan in Bendigo, one of Central Otago’s best known winemaking sub regions. The hot days and damned cold nights provide a long growing season there, which suits the late ripening Riesling grape down to the ground.

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