Misha’s December/January feature in Wine Business Magazine

Surreal Saigon WBM Cover Dec 12_Jan 13
Vietnam is market that’s not unfamiliar with wine drinking due to its French colonial history, however of recent times interest and consumption in wine has been on the rise as the country grows in sophistication and becomes one of the newest hot spots in the South-East Asian region. You know the market is changing when Georg Riedel, president of the famous Riedel glassware company, flys in from Austria just to conduct a comparative glass tasting at an event that attracts over 120 people at US $110 a seat!

New Zealand’s wine exports to Vietnam increased 64% over the past year – although it’s from a small base. In this article, Misha talks to two of the country’s wine distributors, New Zealand’s Consul-General, and one of the longest-residing Kiwis in Vietnam who heads a leading restaurant group, to understand what the opportunities are in the market.

To read the full article download the PDF version below.

Surreal Saigon – Download PDF

Misha’s feature “Across the ditch” with stories of interest to the New Zealand wine industry are published in Wine Business Magazine each month.

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