Misha’s October feature in Wine Business Magazine

Advocating New Zealand

Lisa Perrotti-Brown MW joined Wine Advocate (or eRobertParker.com) in 2010 with responsibilities for Australia and New Zealand and since that time, she’s delivered three reports on New Zealand with reviews for more than 2,300 wines!

Misha talks to Lisa and finds out how what she looks for when evaluating wines (and what it takes to get a high rating), what she really thinks about New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, how she positions New Zealand Pinot Noir in a global context, and what she thinks are the most exciting emerging varietals from New Zealand. Lisa also provides an overall view on New Zealand wines what she believes are our key advantages as a wine producing country.

To read the full article download the PDF version below.

Advocating New Zealand – Download PDF

Misha’s feature “Across the ditch” with stories of interest to the New Zealand wine industry are published in Wine Business Magazine each month.

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