Misha’s September Feature in Wine Business Magazine (WBM)

Trading Places – Part 2

In the second part of this two-part series, Misha’s continues her report from the New Zealand Wine Exporter’s Forum and looks at which markets offer the best opportunity for New Zealand wine exports. With New Zealand’s 2011 harvest increasing yet again, it’s vitally important that exports continue to grow to preserve the premium price positioning New Zealand has achieved.

It seems after government funded research across Europe, New Zealand Winegrowers has identified three countries as ones that hold the best prospects for premium New Zealand wine although like with all markets there are upsides and downsides for each of them. In addition to Europe, it’s hard to ignore the bigger opportunity that’s much closer – China! Although a market fraught with issues, the giant is awakening and there’s no denying it’s an enormous opportunity awaiting those companies prepared to find the right partners, work hard and tackle the market one city at a time.

To read the full article download the PDF version below.

Trading Places – Part 2- Download PDF

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