Misha’s June Feature in Wine Business Magazine (WBM)

Excusez-Moi, C’est Syrah!

WBM Cover June 2011Why does New Zealand call its wine Syrah when its larger neighbor calls it Shiraz? Are we being a little pretentious, peut-être?

In the June issue of Wine Business Magazine, Misha investigates the origins of this much talked about variety and why it’s creating such a media sensation. Misha talks to winemaker Warren Gibson from Trinity Hill and Bilancia, wine commentator Sam Kim, as well as Steve Skinner from Elephant Hill Estate, to understand why people are even talking about Syrah given so little of it is planted in New Zealand. The question is whether Syrah is ever likely to be New Zealand’s next coup in the world of wine or remain just the domain of artisan producers.

To read the full article download the PDF version below.

Excusez-Moi, C’est Syrah! – Download PDF

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