Sea Perch with Misha’s Vineyard Pinot Noir

Poached Sea Perch with Vegetables and Vermicelli accompanied with Fried Rice, Scallops, Tomatoes and Onions

I’d go to a Pinot Noir here because the omega fat from the Sea Perch will benefit from the wine’s good acid backbone and balance the richness of the dish. My New World Pinot pairing would be with “The High Note” Pinot Noir 2008 from Misha’s Vineyard. This newly released Central Otago Pinot Noir is a genuine rising star that offers extraordinary fruit purity and focus, elegant tannins and a desirable level of cool-climate acidity bringing everything into balance.

(This suggestion is from Sarah Mayo, Editor of – Singapore’s wine recommendation website. It is a section from a wine/food pairing article written by Sarah for a new luxury magazine in Singapore called LhZb)