Spring News from Misha’s Vineyard

News from Misha’s Vineyard

Greetings to all of our friends,

There are blossoms and blooms all over Central Otago as orchards spring into life. Spring is also the season when the mornings often start with a frosty 0⁰ C and then the day unfolds to be a cloudless and perfect 20⁰C!

A couple of weeks ago our vineyard team finished the winter pruning just before the sap started flowing again in the vines to herald the new growing season. We have also finished the bottling for the year with all of our 2021 white wines (and Rosé) now packaged and ready in the warehouse along with our 2020 Pinot Noirs that were bottled earlier in the year.

We have just received some incredible reviews from the media, having sent out some of our new release wines for review and we’re excited to share those with you in this update. We’ll also share a little about the latest market to be added to our distribution footprint – Sweden, and the expansion of our range of wines now available via the Singapore Airlines’ Krisshop online platform.

We hope you enjoy the rest of our news and updates!

Best regards and stay safe


Great Reviews for New Wines

Misha’s Vineyard ‘The Soloist’ Pinot Rosé 2021

This wine has received the highest rating for a 2021 Rosé from Master of Wine, Bob Campbell with a 95 point score. It also received a 94 point score from Cameron Douglas MS, also making it his highest rated Rosé to date. With the huge increase in the number of Rosés produced in New Zealand of recent times, gaining this sort of recognition is a great achievement for the both the vineyard and winery teams.

Misha’s Vineyard ‘The Cadenza’ Late Harvest Gewürztraminer 2021

This wine is available again after not being produced in 2020 due to a very cool vintage where conditions weren’t ideal. However in 2021, we produced our best ever crop of Gewürztraminer and have made an off-dry wine as well as this dessert style.

The feedback from the critics has been fantastic with Cameron Douglas MS commenting “Some wines just make you smile when you smell them – this is a great example…”

  • 95/100 – Outstanding – Cameron Douglas MS 
  • 95/100 – Bob Campbell MW (The Real Review)
  • 94/100 – Sam Kim  (Wine Orbit) 
  • 94/100 – Candice Chow (Raymond Chan Wine Reviews)


Team Celebrations

It’s important to get together with our team and celebrate milestones and it’s been especially important to get together over the past 18 months when we’ve had to navigate through such uncertain times!

We’ve had double celebrations for Jill Massey – who’s been our Admin Manager for 10 years and who has found additional skills when we’ve needed an extra hand with pruning or harvest! Aaron, our tractor driver is also celebrating 8 years with Misha’s Vineyard this month. Aaron lives on the vineyard and is also our caretaker, along with his trusty dog Bruno. And we have just celebrated the end-of-pruning with a day trip to Walter Peak Station as it’s always a big achievement to get through 65,000 vines with a team of three – over many months of a long cold Central Otago winter.