Auspicious Site

auspicioussite_pic1The Balance of Wind and Water

Facing towards the lake from Misha’s Vineyard brings a sense of calm and balance. This is not just because of the spectacular view, it’s also due to the relationship of the vineyard and its surrounding landforms. Feng Shui, which means “”Wind-Water”, is the ancient art of studying the topography and understanding how the mountains, rivers, and valleys have been shaped by the wind and water that flow through them.

Misha’s Vineyard is located in a most auspicious feng shui ‘armchair’ or ‘horseshoe’ position with the high Dunstan Ranges at the back offering support and protection, lower hills flanking each side of the vineyard, a lake in front providing essential water and energy for the vines, and an orientation that maximises the long afternoon sun.

Lucky Number 8auspicioussite_pic2

In Chinese culture the number “8” is considered the luckiest of numbers, representing prosperity and good fortune. It was fortuitous to realise that Misha’s Vineyard was located on State Highway 8, just 8 kilometres from the nearest town of Cromwell, and on land that was originally known as Sheep Run 238 when it was part of the old Morven Hills Station.

On the vineyard 8 clones of Pinot Noir have been planted in two row directions – 288º on the slopes and lakefront terrace, and 341º (adding up to 8 ) on the higher terraces. The first commercial vintage from Misha’s Vineyard was 2008 and we have 8 wines in our portfolio.

At our ground-breaking ceremony, we placed a Chinese coin beneath our first 8 planted vines to symbolically return the ‘old gold’ to the ground and bring luck for the ‘new gold’. We named these first 8 vines “The Lucky 8” and have sign-posted them for visitors to see.

We continue to find the number 8 crops up with uncanny regularity. We knew that we were very lucky when we found this wonderful site – and long may that luck stay with us.