JET Magazine – Hong Kong – Febuary 2011

Finding the best Pinot Noir

Six bottles of Romanee Conti were put to auction in new year, ending up with US$2,321,160. It costs around 3 million HK dollars in average per bottle. If you’re looking for the best Burgundy in its best vintages, you could try a bottle of new world’s Pinot Noir which costs you only 3 hundred something HK dollars instead.

Pinot Noir is not easy to be planted, which is well-known. It cannot survive too cold or too hot. It will be over matured under hot weather and make the wine to be juice-liked. It will become sour under cold weather and make it overwhelmed by herbaceous and grassy taste. It’s never easy to make a great Pinot Noir like Romanee-Conti. However, Misha & Andy have given up their high-pay jobs that everyone is dreaming of and started their winemaking business at Central Otago, setting up the Misha’s Vineyard and trying to make quality Pinot Noir there. Misha believes that “Pinot Noir is the new gold!”.

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