Misha’s November Feature in Wine Business Magazine

Be RelentlessWBM Cover  Nov 2013

The most crucial element in building your business and your brand is marketing – it’s the one constant which starts even before you take your first step in business and continues every day your business is operating. New Zealand is a nation of small businesses – in fact over 97% of business enterprises have fewer than 20 employees. One of the problems of small businesses, particularly those which are agricultural-based as so many New Zealand businesses are, is the company’s main expertise is at the production end. This certainly applies to many wineries who excel as winemakers and/or as viticulturalists but who generally don’t have that same level of excellence when it comes to marketing and brand-building. Marketing is one of the most misunderstood disciplines within small businesses and people often use the term when they really mean selling – but they’re very different!

Misha draws from her background in corporate marketing, her formal marketing training, but most importantly her journey in establishing a wine brand and provides some suggestions on marketing and building a wine brand.

To read the full article download the PDF version below.

Be Relentless – Download PDF

Misha’s feature “Across the ditch” with stories of interest to the New Zealand wine industry are published in Wine Business Magazine each month.

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