Misha’s May feature in Wine Business Magazine

Altered States
WBM Cover May 2013

The concept of ‘United States’ is a contradiction in terms when it comes to the way America controls alcohol. This makes it incredibly tricky for New Zealand wine producers, in fact for any wine producers, trying to enter the US market, let alone compete effectively within it. The country operates in a disjointed and disconnected manner that’s anything but ‘united’ when you consider the rules and restrictions around the distribution and sale of alcohol – regulations vary from state to state and even from community to community.

This state of chaos is all as a result of Prohibition and to this day, some 80 years after its repeal, an over-complicated alcohol distribution system is one of its lasting legacies. Misha finds out how hard it is to break into the market and what the rewards are for those who choose to pursue it. She also provides some tips for those planning on entering the market.

To read the full article download the PDF version below.

Altered States – Download PDF

Misha’s feature “Across the ditch” with stories of interest to the New Zealand wine industry are published in Wine Business Magazine each month.

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