Misha’s September feature in Wine Business Magazine

Smart Money

Investments in vineyards have slowed all over the world with the GFC, imbalance in supply and demand of grapes and wine, and the increasing commoditization of wine. These impacts have certainly been felt in New Zealand particularly after the wine excesses brought about by a bumper 2008 crop along with increasingly unfavourable exchange rates which have caused havoc in terms of profitability.

Misha takes a looks at exactly who is investing in vineyards in New Zealand and finds an investor from China who’s considered a ‘rising star’ among China’s new breed of business people (and with strong New Zealand links), a couple of US billionaires, the ex-head of the New Zealand stock exchange, and a couple of hedge fund managers from Boston. It seems the tide is turning and new money, in fact smart money, is being invested into New Zealand’s wine industry.

To read the full article download the PDF version below.

Smart Money – Download PDF

Misha’s feature “Across the ditch” with stories of interest to the New Zealand wine industry are published in Wine Business Magazine each month.

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